10 research outputs found

    The potential of semantic paradigm in warehousing of big data

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    Big data have analytical potential that was hard to realize with available technologies. After new storage paradigms intended for big data such as NoSQL databases emerged, traditional systems got pushed out of the focus. The current research is focused on their reconciliation on different levels or paradigm replacement. Similarly, the emergence of NoSQL databases has started to push traditional (relational) data warehouses out of the research and even practical focus. Data warehousing is known for the strict modelling process, capturing the essence of the business processes. For that reason, a mere integration to bridge the NoSQL gap is not enough. It is necessary to deal with this issue on a higher abstraction level during the modelling phase. NoSQL databases generally lack clear, unambiguous schema, making the comprehension of their contents difficult and their integration and analysis harder. This motivated involving semantic web technologies to enrich NoSQL database contents by additional meaning and context. This paper reviews the application of semantics in data integration and data warehousing and analyses its potential in integrating NoSQL data and traditional data warehouses with some focus on document stores. Also, it gives a proposal of the future pursuit directions for the big data warehouse modelling phases

    Hydrogeological characteristics of the watercourse Plitvica in the Plitvice lakes area, Croatia

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    Rijeka Plitvica se nalazi u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera. Dužine je oko 4 km, a započinje snažnim krÅ”kim vrelom, izvorom Plitvice. Nakon otprilike 900 m toka u rijeku Plitvicu se s lijeve strane ulijeva vodotok Sartuk. Na kraju svog toka rijeka Plitvica se ruÅ”i niz 78 m visoku vapnenačku liticu formirajući najveći slap u Republici Hrvatskoj ā€“ Veliki slap. U posljednjih 20-ak godina na Velikom slapu su sve izraženiji nedostaci vode, a kao mogući razlog je, osim smanjenja ukupnog protoka na izvoru Plitvice, i gubitak vode duž vodotoka Plitvice. Zbog toga suu raduanalizirani dostupnihidrogeoloÅ”ki, hidroloÅ”ki podaci i hidrokemijski kako bi seutvrdiliuzroci velikih gubitaka vode na Velikom slapu za vrijeme suÅ”nih razdoblja.Utvrđeno je da je proces pojave i nastanka sedrenih barijera vrlo dobro vidljiv duž vodotoku Plitvice te da ovaj vodotok hidrogeoloÅ”ki gledano ustvari predstavlja umanjeni sustav Plitvičkih jezera. Proces sedrenja je stalan i za sada neprekinut, a na nekim mjestima i toliko velik da izdiže cijelo korito te dolazi do izlijevanja vode u susjedne livade s vrtačama, gdje se za vrijeme suÅ”nih razdoblja u podzemlje gubi najveći dio vode vodotoka Plitvica.The Plitvica River is located in the northwestern part of the Plitvice Lakes National Park. Length of the river is about 4 km, and it starting with the strong karst spring. After about 900 mfrom the spring, the Plitvica River receives water from the Sartukstream. At the end, Plitvica River crashes down the 78 m high limestone cliff, forming the largest waterfall in Croatia - BigWaterfall. In the last 20 years on the Big Waterfall are growing disadvantages of water. A possible reason is,besides reducing of the total amount of water at the source of Plitvice, also loss of water along the watercourse of the Plitvica River. Therefore, in the paper were analysed available hydrogeological, hydrological and hydrochemical data in order to identify the causes of large losses of water at the Big Waterfall during dry periods. It was found out that the process of occurrence and the formation of tufa barriers are very well visible along the watercourse of the Plitvica River, and that this watercourse, hydrogeological looking, is a smaller version of the Plitvice Lakes system. The process of tufa is continuous and uninterrupted for the time being, and in some places so large that rises riverbed what causes a spill of water in the adjoining meadows with sinkholes where during dry periods in underground loses most of the water watercourse Plitvice

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Ontologijama podržano obogaćivanje sheme relacijskoga skladiÅ”ta podataka viÅ”edimenzijskim konceptima iz dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnoga izvora

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    The topic of this doctoral thesis is schematic integration of data that are stored in two different data models. Acquisition and integration of external data has the potential to improve predictive analytical models used in business intelligence. Analytical data are typically stored in a relational data warehouse, but the popularity of document-oriented data indicates their increasing availability in the information market. The relational model differs significantly from document-oriented model, which is characterized by semi-structuredness, heterogeneity, and absence of schema definition, all of which is a problem for their schematic integration. In this thesis, Semantic Web ontologies are used as a reconciling medium in bridging the differences between the multidimensional model in the relational implementation and the document-oriented dataset, which implies describing the relational data warehouse schema and the schema of the document-oriented dataset using ontologies to semi-automate their comparison and integration. The contribution of this thesis comprises two components: 1) method for ontology extraction from a document-oriented data source that results in an ontology suitable for multidimensional modeling, and 2) ontology-supported semi-automatic procedure for enrichment of a relational data warehouse schema with the multidimensional concepts found in a document-oriented data source.Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi shematskom integracijom podataka pohranjenih u dvama različitim podatkovnim modelima. Akvizicija i integracija vanjskih podataka je jedan od načina poboljÅ”anja prediktivnih analitičkih modela koriÅ”tenih u inteligentnom poslovanju. Analitički podatci su tipično pohranjeni u relacijskom skladiÅ”tu podataka, no popularnost dokumentno-orijentiranih podataka nagovijeÅ”ta njihovu sve veću dostupnost na tržiÅ”tu informacija. Relacijski model se znatno razlikuje od dokumentno-orijentiranog, kojega karakterizira polustrukturiranost, heterogenost i odsutnost jasne definicije sheme, Å”to predstavlja problem za njihovu shematsku integraciju. U ovoj disertaciji, ontologije semantičkog weba koriste se kao pomirbeni medij u premoŔćivanju razlika između multidimenzionalnog modela u relacijskoj implementaciji i dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog skupa, Å”to podrazumijeva opisivanje sheme relacijskog skladiÅ”ta podataka i sheme dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog skupa pomoću ontologija s ciljem poluautomatizacije njihove usporedbe i integracije. Doprinos ove doktorske disertacije sastoji se od dva dijela: 1) metode izvlačenja ontologije iz dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog izvora koja rezultira ontologijom prikladnom za multidimenzionalno modeliranje, i 2) ontologijama podržanog postupka obogaćivanje sheme relacijskog skladiÅ”ta podataka multidimenzionalnim konceptima pronađenim u dokumentno-orijentiranom podatkovnom izvoru

    Ontologijama podržano obogaćivanje sheme relacijskoga skladiÅ”ta podataka viÅ”edimenzijskim konceptima iz dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnoga izvora

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    The topic of this doctoral thesis is schematic integration of data that are stored in two different data models. Acquisition and integration of external data has the potential to improve predictive analytical models used in business intelligence. Analytical data are typically stored in a relational data warehouse, but the popularity of document-oriented data indicates their increasing availability in the information market. The relational model differs significantly from document-oriented model, which is characterized by semi-structuredness, heterogeneity, and absence of schema definition, all of which is a problem for their schematic integration. In this thesis, Semantic Web ontologies are used as a reconciling medium in bridging the differences between the multidimensional model in the relational implementation and the document-oriented dataset, which implies describing the relational data warehouse schema and the schema of the document-oriented dataset using ontologies to semi-automate their comparison and integration. The contribution of this thesis comprises two components: 1) method for ontology extraction from a document-oriented data source that results in an ontology suitable for multidimensional modeling, and 2) ontology-supported semi-automatic procedure for enrichment of a relational data warehouse schema with the multidimensional concepts found in a document-oriented data source.Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi shematskom integracijom podataka pohranjenih u dvama različitim podatkovnim modelima. Akvizicija i integracija vanjskih podataka je jedan od načina poboljÅ”anja prediktivnih analitičkih modela koriÅ”tenih u inteligentnom poslovanju. Analitički podatci su tipično pohranjeni u relacijskom skladiÅ”tu podataka, no popularnost dokumentno-orijentiranih podataka nagovijeÅ”ta njihovu sve veću dostupnost na tržiÅ”tu informacija. Relacijski model se znatno razlikuje od dokumentno-orijentiranog, kojega karakterizira polustrukturiranost, heterogenost i odsutnost jasne definicije sheme, Å”to predstavlja problem za njihovu shematsku integraciju. U ovoj disertaciji, ontologije semantičkog weba koriste se kao pomirbeni medij u premoŔćivanju razlika između multidimenzionalnog modela u relacijskoj implementaciji i dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog skupa, Å”to podrazumijeva opisivanje sheme relacijskog skladiÅ”ta podataka i sheme dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog skupa pomoću ontologija s ciljem poluautomatizacije njihove usporedbe i integracije. Doprinos ove doktorske disertacije sastoji se od dva dijela: 1) metode izvlačenja ontologije iz dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog izvora koja rezultira ontologijom prikladnom za multidimenzionalno modeliranje, i 2) ontologijama podržanog postupka obogaćivanje sheme relacijskog skladiÅ”ta podataka multidimenzionalnim konceptima pronađenim u dokumentno-orijentiranom podatkovnom izvoru

    Web Application for Creation of Electronic Payment Order

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    Ovaj rad bavi se razvojem jednostavne web aplikacije koja će poslovnim subjektima olakÅ”ati prijelaz na SEPA Credit Transfer elektroničke platne naloge. Korisnici će, nakon jednostavne registracije u sustav, moći putem obrazaca unijeti potrebne podatke temeljem kojih će sustav za njih generirati SEPA platni nalog kojega će oni moći preuzeti, kao i pripadni izvjeÅ”taja u PDF formatu. U radu su opisani razvoj i koriÅ”tenje sustava baze podataka i web aplikacije uz navođenje open source tehnologijama koje su pomogle u njegovom razvoju i za čije koriÅ”tenje i princip rada ovaj rad također pruža osnovne informacije.This paper is about development of a simple web application which will facilitate business subjects' transit towards SEPA Credit Transfer electronic payment orders, where will the users after the simple registration be able to enter necessary data by forms, based on which the system will generate SEPA payment order. The users will be able to download the generated electronic payment order, as well as the report in PDF format. This paper describes development and usage of a system which consists of a database and a web application and also provides basic information about usage of the open-source technologies which were used and have helped its development

    Web Application for Creation of Electronic Payment Order

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    Ovaj rad bavi se razvojem jednostavne web aplikacije koja će poslovnim subjektima olakÅ”ati prijelaz na SEPA Credit Transfer elektroničke platne naloge. Korisnici će, nakon jednostavne registracije u sustav, moći putem obrazaca unijeti potrebne podatke temeljem kojih će sustav za njih generirati SEPA platni nalog kojega će oni moći preuzeti, kao i pripadni izvjeÅ”taja u PDF formatu. U radu su opisani razvoj i koriÅ”tenje sustava baze podataka i web aplikacije uz navođenje open source tehnologijama koje su pomogle u njegovom razvoju i za čije koriÅ”tenje i princip rada ovaj rad također pruža osnovne informacije.This paper is about development of a simple web application which will facilitate business subjects' transit towards SEPA Credit Transfer electronic payment orders, where will the users after the simple registration be able to enter necessary data by forms, based on which the system will generate SEPA payment order. The users will be able to download the generated electronic payment order, as well as the report in PDF format. This paper describes development and usage of a system which consists of a database and a web application and also provides basic information about usage of the open-source technologies which were used and have helped its development

    Ontologijama podržano obogaćivanje sheme relacijskoga skladiÅ”ta podataka viÅ”edimenzijskim konceptima iz dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnoga izvora

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    The topic of this doctoral thesis is schematic integration of data that are stored in two different data models. Acquisition and integration of external data has the potential to improve predictive analytical models used in business intelligence. Analytical data are typically stored in a relational data warehouse, but the popularity of document-oriented data indicates their increasing availability in the information market. The relational model differs significantly from document-oriented model, which is characterized by semi-structuredness, heterogeneity, and absence of schema definition, all of which is a problem for their schematic integration. In this thesis, Semantic Web ontologies are used as a reconciling medium in bridging the differences between the multidimensional model in the relational implementation and the document-oriented dataset, which implies describing the relational data warehouse schema and the schema of the document-oriented dataset using ontologies to semi-automate their comparison and integration. The contribution of this thesis comprises two components: 1) method for ontology extraction from a document-oriented data source that results in an ontology suitable for multidimensional modeling, and 2) ontology-supported semi-automatic procedure for enrichment of a relational data warehouse schema with the multidimensional concepts found in a document-oriented data source.Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi shematskom integracijom podataka pohranjenih u dvama različitim podatkovnim modelima. Akvizicija i integracija vanjskih podataka je jedan od načina poboljÅ”anja prediktivnih analitičkih modela koriÅ”tenih u inteligentnom poslovanju. Analitički podatci su tipično pohranjeni u relacijskom skladiÅ”tu podataka, no popularnost dokumentno-orijentiranih podataka nagovijeÅ”ta njihovu sve veću dostupnost na tržiÅ”tu informacija. Relacijski model se znatno razlikuje od dokumentno-orijentiranog, kojega karakterizira polustrukturiranost, heterogenost i odsutnost jasne definicije sheme, Å”to predstavlja problem za njihovu shematsku integraciju. U ovoj disertaciji, ontologije semantičkog weba koriste se kao pomirbeni medij u premoŔćivanju razlika između multidimenzionalnog modela u relacijskoj implementaciji i dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog skupa, Å”to podrazumijeva opisivanje sheme relacijskog skladiÅ”ta podataka i sheme dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog skupa pomoću ontologija s ciljem poluautomatizacije njihove usporedbe i integracije. Doprinos ove doktorske disertacije sastoji se od dva dijela: 1) metode izvlačenja ontologije iz dokumentno-orijentiranoga podatkovnog izvora koja rezultira ontologijom prikladnom za multidimenzionalno modeliranje, i 2) ontologijama podržanog postupka obogaćivanje sheme relacijskog skladiÅ”ta podataka multidimenzionalnim konceptima pronađenim u dokumentno-orijentiranom podatkovnom izvoru

    Web Application for Creation of Electronic Payment Order

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    Ovaj rad bavi se razvojem jednostavne web aplikacije koja će poslovnim subjektima olakÅ”ati prijelaz na SEPA Credit Transfer elektroničke platne naloge. Korisnici će, nakon jednostavne registracije u sustav, moći putem obrazaca unijeti potrebne podatke temeljem kojih će sustav za njih generirati SEPA platni nalog kojega će oni moći preuzeti, kao i pripadni izvjeÅ”taja u PDF formatu. U radu su opisani razvoj i koriÅ”tenje sustava baze podataka i web aplikacije uz navođenje open source tehnologijama koje su pomogle u njegovom razvoju i za čije koriÅ”tenje i princip rada ovaj rad također pruža osnovne informacije.This paper is about development of a simple web application which will facilitate business subjects' transit towards SEPA Credit Transfer electronic payment orders, where will the users after the simple registration be able to enter necessary data by forms, based on which the system will generate SEPA payment order. The users will be able to download the generated electronic payment order, as well as the report in PDF format. This paper describes development and usage of a system which consists of a database and a web application and also provides basic information about usage of the open-source technologies which were used and have helped its development

    Automatically Specifying a Parallel Composition of Matchers in Ontology Matching Process by Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Today, there is a rapid increase of the available data because of advances in information and communications technology. Therefore, many mutually heterogeneous data sources that describe the same domain of interest exist. To facilitate the integration of these heterogeneous data sources, an ontology can be used as it enriches the knowledge of a data source by giving a detailed description of entities and their mutual relations within the domain of interest. Ontology matching is a key issue in integrating heterogeneous data sources described by ontologies as it eases the management of data coming from various sources. The ontology matching system consists of several basic matchers. To determine high-quality correspondences between entities of compared ontologies, the matching results of these basic matchers should be aggregated by an aggregation method. In this paper, a new weighted aggregation method for parallel composition of basic matchers based on genetic algorithm is presented. The evaluation has confirmed a high quality of the new aggregation method as this method has improved the process of matching two ontologies by obtaining higher confidence values of correctly found correspondences and thus increasing the quality of matching results